Marketing Your Self Published Book

Self publishing is an achievement for most authors. The struggle is always on how to get a self published book out there for the public to buy. If you are thinking of self publishing, or maybe you already have a book out but you are clueless on how to get started on marketing, the good news is you can do it if you get the strategies right.

Marketing the Book

  • Create a website: start by having a professionally done website where you can talk about the book and even give excerpts that you think will attract many book lovers. You can also blog on topics that are close to your book’s title. For instance, if you have written about how to manage a heartbreak, you can blog on things like dealing with stress, among other topics.
  • Get media reviews: Most media houses have a section for book reviews and you can take advantage by reaching out to their book reviewers and request them to have a look at your book.
  • Join Good Reads author forum: Good reads provides the space for your work to be seen by millions of people. You also get immediate feedback on what people think about the work you have done.
  • Use many distribution channels: There are many channels that you can use to sell the book. Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Nobles are among the many companies where you can distribute your work.
  • Use social media: Social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, Linkedin and YouTube are a good platform for you to talk about your book and catch the interest of many book lovers who are always on the lookout for something interesting.

Marketing self published books gets easier if you master your unique selling point about the book. What do you think makes your book stand out among others? Explore your strengths and use it to get people’s interest.

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